Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is available for all of our children. Lunch bunch is available every day until 3 PM. It can be added to a child’s schedule on a permanent or a “drop in” basis. An additional hour (3:00 – 4:00) is available daily for an additional fee. We enjoy additional activities for our Transitional Preschool through Transitional Kindergarten classes in the afternoons: music and movement, gymnastics, and art are a few of our favorites.


Miss Amanda teaches our gymnastics class. Each week she includes the children in basic tumbling movement and skills. Not only is gymnastics great exercise for the young child, it also helps develop his/her physical strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. Miss Amanda is a former competitive gymnast. She continues to enjoy gymnastics by teaching a new generation to also love the sport.


Miss Lindsey teaches our yoga class. Each week she does a yoga story time with songs, books, poses and quiet time. Since 2016 she has been certified from Childlight Yoga to teach children’s yoga. She strives to help her students find joy and playfulness in yoga, which she hopes they can carry into their adolescent and adult life. Lindsey is a former elementary school teacher and a mother to three young children.

Book Club

Every week our lunch bunch teachers will do a Book Club.  A book club is a great opportunity for children to interact with each other in a setting where group discussion and banter with peers is encouraged.  Questions like:  What did you like about the book?  Did the things you thought would happen, happen?  will be asked.  The teachers with help facilitate a meaningful dialogue to promote the love literature. After reading and discussing the book, we will extend the lesson with a project or activity.

Early Drop and Extended Day is available for all age groups.

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